Read, write, and sequence numbers (up to thousands)
Understand and apply the concept of more, less, and equal amounts
Count by 2s, 5s, and 10s.Apply this strategy.
Oral counting up to thousands
Adding with carrying ( 3 and 4 digit numbers)
Subtracting with borrowing ( 3 and 4 digit numbers)
Rounding numbers to the nearest ten-hundred
Place value
Fractions (identify, represent and equivalent fractions
Multiplication (0,2,5,10)
Know combinations of 100 and 1000
Understand the meaning of the symbols +, -, =,x
Add, subtract, multiply, less than, more than, compare, measure, count, share, divide, half, round, borrow, carry, how many, how much.
· Reading
Reading comprehension
Read and follow two-step written instructions
Identify the beginning, middle, and end of a story and recognize the main idea
Make predictions about what will happen next when reading
Oral reading
Read aloud fluently (smoothly with comprehension)
· Writing
Write in complete and understandable sentences.
Write paragraphs about a given topic
Use the correct punctuation and capitalization
· Listening and Speaking
Listen attentively
Ability to communicate orally using clear, coherent, and effective language.
Follow oral directions
Stay on topic when speaking
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